Physical address

2452 State Highway 13
Craig, CO 81638

Mailing address

5731 state highway 13
Meeker, CO 81641


Morgan Creek Ranch is located between Craig and Meeker in Colorado. Our 41,000-acre ranch and hunting area sits along the migration path of one of the largest elk herds in Colorado and the United States.

The altitude ranges from 7,000 to 8,600. Read more about hunting at high altitude.

Craig, Colorado, has about 9,000 residents and is 28 miles north of Morgan Creek Ranch. Learn about local businesses, accommodations and recreation from the Craig Chamber of Commerce.

Meeker, Colorado, has about 2,500 residents and is 24 miles south of Morgan Creek Ranch. Learn about local businesses, accommodations and recreation from the Meeker Chamber of Commerce.

Weather and travel information

Check the Weather Channel and search on Craig and Meeker for an idea of the local weather or call us.

You can also check Colorado weather at

Check road conditions on Colorado's Department of Transportation (CDOT) website.

Maps and directions

Directions for how to get to Morgan Creek Ranch.

Maps of the hunting area and surrounding locations from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife.